Saturday, November 3, 2007


Why do peoples like to getting syok over something that is not so syok
someone came in to my room and saw my drum set
den they go like "WAH XXX UR SON PLAY DRUMS ONE AR?"eek
i mean...what is there to be shocked??
playing drums is just like playing piano or guitar ma, SIZE doesn't matter right??

another thing that peoples like to syok sendiri are the prices of foods
just had a dinner with dad's frens which i don't know where they come out from, mountain i guess
went to a normal typical chinese restaurant
and their speciality are river fishes(i don't know how to name them so just call them river fish la)
3 slice of fish + a plate of vegetables
RM366.60 WOAH WTFFF???eek
very syok meH paying so much just to eat 3 types of fishes..which i don't see how special they can be lo


all the fishes are the same,
once goes into the stomach,
everything will come out as


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